Action Example Template
Created by: Kim Brewster
School/Location: Bow Elementary School
Grade: 1-4
Library Context:
o Fixed o Flexible X Combination o Individualized Instruction
o Stand-alone lesson X Lesson in a unit o Multiple lessons in a unit
Collaboration Continuum:
o None o Limited X Moderate o Intensive
Content Topic: Student Book Talks
Estimated Lesson time: 20 minutes whole class plus 15-30 minutes individuals or partners.
Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Goals
#3 Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.
#4 Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
Skills Indicator(s):
3.1.3 Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.
4.1.7 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information.
3.1.3: Choose and maintain a focus in a piece of writing.
Use clear and appropriate vocabulary to convey the intended message.
Speak clearly to convey meaning.
3.1.4: Use a variety of media and formats to create and edit products that communicate syntheses of information and ideas.
4.1.1: Request and choose materials related to personal interests.
Read, listen to, and view a range of resources for a variety of purposes: to live the experiences of a character, to answer questions, to find out about something new, to explore personal interests
4.1.7: Experiment with online catalog and Web resources to locate information.
Use social networking tools to create and share information. (In this case, our Booktalk page on our Library website).
Dispositions Indicator(s):
3.2.1 Demonstrate leadership and confidence by presenting ideas to others in both formal and informal situations.
3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others.
4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure and expressing an interest in various literary genres.
Responsibilities Indicator(s):
3.3.4 Create products that apply to authentic, real-world contexts.
4.3.1 Participate in the social exchange of ideas, both electronically and in person.
4.3.3 Seek opportunities for pursuing personal and aesthetic growth.
4.3.4 Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communication and interaction.
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.
3.4.3 Assess own ability to work with others in a group setting by evaluating varied roles, leadership, and demonstrations of respect for other viewpoints.
4.4.1 Identify own areas of interest.
4.4.5 Develop personal criteria for gauging how effectively own ideas are expressed.
4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources that are engaging and appropriate for personal interests and needs.
The elementary classrooms have been working on story elements in literature. To support and extend this skill so that students can practice synthesizing and applying their learning and understanding of story elements as well as offering students the opportunity to share book recommendations, and to give students experiences in using technology, the SLMS will introduce a voluntary student booktalk project. During library visits students in grades 1 through 4 will have booktalks modeled for them and be introduced to differentiated story maps (easier maps will focus on the setting, characters, and a favorite part, while more challenging maps will consist of more detailed information like the problem and solution, highpoint and road blocks in the story). Students will be offered times to meet with the SLMS to review and reflect on their story maps, work on a booktalk script, record their booktalk and choose accompanying music on GarageBand. The booktalk will then be posted on the library website which is available for others to access.
Connection to local or state standards:
(List here relevant content, information literacy, and technology standards)
NH ICT Standards:
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:
Understand and use technology systems.
New Hampshire Curriculum Framework-Reading
By the end of Grade 4:
Demonstrate initial understanding of elements of literary texts by….
R:LT:4:1.1 Identifying or describing character (s), setting, problem/solution, major events, or plot, as appropriate to text; or identifying any significant changes in character(s) over time (state)
R:LT:4:41.2 Paraphrasing or summarizing key ideas/plot, with major events sequenced as appropriate to text (state)
Breadth of Reading: Reading Extensively* and In Depth (B:2)
*Materials should be at the student’s instructional and independent reading levels. The specific number of books should be viewed flexibly and is less important than the extensiveness, duration/ time, and frequency of reading.
By the end of Grade 2:
R:B:2: Demonstrates participation in a literate community by…
R:B:K:2.1: Self-selecting reading materials aligned
with reading ability and personal interests (Local)
R:B:K:2.2: Participating in discussions about text,
ideas, and student “writing” by offering comments
and supporting evidence, recommending books and
other materials, and responding to the comments
and recommendations of peers, librarians, teachers,
and others (Local)
Overview: As a connection to classroom lessons on story elements, students in grades 1 through 4 will be offered the opportunity to complete a story map and a booktalk script on a book, available in our library, that they would like to recommend others to read. With the assistance of the SLMS, students will record their booktalk and choose accompanying music that suits the mood of the book on GarageBand. Student booktalks will be shared on the library website.
Final Product: Students will have their booktalk posted on the library website for others to listen to.
Library LESSON (s): During library visits students and teachers in grades 1 through 4 will listen to model booktalks completed by librarians, and other students. They will learn what a booktalk consists of and be introduced to differentiated story maps. The following will be discussed; the process of getting parental permission to post student booktalks on the library website, setting appointments with the SLMS to work on a booktalk script while using ideas from student completed story maps, recording booktalks and picking accompanying music on GarageBand.
· Product: Story Map, Booktalk Script, Booktalk Audio.
· Process: The story maps will be checked by the SLMS to note accuracy of story elements. The script for the booktalk will be reviewed by the SLMS to see that it is accurate, engaging and enthusiastic. (Some information should be shared without giving the entire plot or solution away). The final recording will be listened to by both the student and SLMS and decided if it is articulated clearly with an enthusiastic tone of voice. The following questions will be used for the student/students to use in self-assessment.
· Student self-questioning:
ØWhy did you decide to select this book to recommend to others?
Ø Can you understand the words clearly?
Ø Did you speak loud enough?
Ø Would you want to read this book if you were listening to your booktalk?
Ø How did you get the listener to want to read the book to find out more?
Ø If you worked with a partner did you share ideas and respect their ideas?
Ø What did you learn from this project?
Ø What might you do differently next time?
Instructional plan
· Resources students will use:
o Online subscription database(s) o Web sites X Books o Reference
X Nonprint o Periodicals/newspapers
o Other (list): Garageband
Direct instruction: The SLMS will give an overview of the voluntary booktalk project, sharing various story maps that students can pick from.
Modeling and guided practice: The SLMS will share examples of quality
librarian made, teacher made, student made story maps and booktalks.
Independent practice: Volunteer students will fill in a story map for a book that they would like to do a book talk on. This will be reviewed with the SLMS during a separately scheduled conference time. Volunteers will work with other volunteer students and/or the SLMS on writing a booktalk script using ideas from their story map. The student or students will work together on recording the booktalk and adding music using GarageBand.
Sharing and reflecting: This will be accomplished during the conferencing of story maps and after booktalks have been recorded using the student self questions.
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